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General product and medical questions

Intake with other supplements

Yes, our products can be taken with other food supplements without hesitation.

Storage of capsules

The storing in your own tablet box is not recommended, as bacterial cultures are sensitive to light. Our jar was developed to protect the capsules. Therefore, they should be stored in it. No refrigeration is necessary. This is a question we often rec

Colour of capsules

Various factors affect the production of the products. This can mean that the colour of the capsules from the different batches varies. And the powder is also produced and filled in batches. But this is of course completely harmless!

Shelf life of products

The expiry date of the capsules is printed on the packaging. Generally, the capsules have a shelf life of 18 months when you receive them. In fact, taking "expired" bacteria is absolutely safe. However, bacterial strains lose their "potency" over tim

Are your products vegan?

Our products are vegan.

Do I have to do a colon cleanse beforehand?

A so-called "intestinal cleansing" is not necessary before taking our products, as we want to build up the microbiome and not decimate it.

Do I have to consider anything before taking it for the first time?

You can actually just start taking it. We will also send you a Welcome Guide by email explaining how to take the product. If you have any further questions, you are always welcome to write to us!

High price of products

Of course, we are aware that our products have a rather high price compared to other preparations. However, this is because we pay attention to the highest quality when selecting the bacterial strains and all contents, develop in Switzerland and prod

Are your products enteric-coated?

The capsules are not enteric-coated in the classic sense, but this is not necessary. The only relevant factor is whether the strains contained have the appropriate properties to survive the passage through stomach acid undamaged. All the bacterial st

Can I take Dailybacs and Dietbacs together?

Our products are designed so that you can combine Dailybacs, Dietbacs, Dermabacs and AddOns without any problems. So you can take Dietbacs and Dailybacs together. By combining Dailybacs and Dietbacs, the effect on your health is even greater.

Can children take our products?

Our Dailybacs Kids are specially tailored to the needs of children, which is why we recommend this product for children.

Diseases and mybacs

The use of our products is not recommended in the case of allergies to the ingredients contained, serious illnesses or immunosuppressed patients.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Before taking our products during pregnancy, we always recommend consulting your doctor. The reason for this is that studies on the use of some bacterial strains are still insufficient to make reliable statements. We therefore do not recommend the us

Why should I take your products long-term?

Dailybacs are designed for permanent ingestion, because probiotics consist of resident and transient bacterial strains. Resident microorganisms (lat. residere = to settle) have firmly established themselves in the microbiome. In other words, they hav

Side effects

The most common side effects caused by intestinal cultures are flatulence and/or diarrhea or constipation. However, this can also be a so-called "initial aggravation". When taking bacterial strains combined with dietary fiber, it is not uncommon to e

Reasons taking Dailybacs/ no acute problems

Much of what we do contributes to our digestion: what and when we eat, our fluid intake, the amount of fiber we consume, our response to stress and anxiety, the quality and duration of our sleep, how much exercise we get and our intake of caffeine an

Interactions with medicines

In principle, food supplements with bacterial cultures have virtually no interactions with other medications. Nevertheless, we would recommend that you check with your doctor before taking them. We can provide the following assessment for some medica